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Recognizing Veterans Day at 180 Medical

honoring veterans day at 180 medical 2017

November 11th is Veterans Day, and this month is National Veterans and Military Families Month. It’s a time dedicated to honoring all our servicemen and women and what they have done for us and our country.

Celebrating Veterans Day at 180 Medical

At 180 Medical, we have many former military members as employees. Even our President of 180 Medical, Ron Howell, is a veteran of the United States Air Force. We’re truly honored to have so many wonderful employees with backgrounds in service of almost every branch of the U.S. military.

We like to make Veterans Day a special time of recognition at 180 Medical, not just for our own veterans working at 180 Medical, but for all veterans and those still serving our great nation. Last year on our company blog, we featured two of our veteran employees, Pat and Kathy. This year, we are featuring two more: Melanie and Bill.

We hope you enjoy reading about their time in service and how it affected them personally and professionally.

Meet Melanie, Healthcare Network Development Manager

180 medical air force veteran melanie Melanie has been with 180 Medical for over 7 years. Currently, she works in the Compliance and Contracting department as our Healthcare Network Development Manager.

Melanie, what made you decide to join the military?

I wanted to serve my country and obtain an education at the same time. Because of the great benefits of schooling that the United States Air Force provides, I was able to complete my Bachelor’s Degree.

Why did you end up choosing to join the Air Force?

My dad had been in the Air Force, and it just seemed like the right choice for me. Originally, I planned to only serve for 4 years, but then I got the opportunity to become a USAF Instructor, and I enjoyed it so much that I stayed for 10 years!

Did you receive any honors for your service?

Yes, I did. I received medals and commendations, but the one I was most excited and honored to receive was when I was awarded Airman of the Year for the Air Education and Training Command.
180 medical air force vet melanie

How did your time in military service affect your life and future career here at 180 Medical?

While in the military, I learned the meaning of integrity, teamwork, and compassion, which are all important values both in life and definitely at 180 Medical. I owe much of my career and life successes to the Air Force. I also made a lot of friends, who I continue to stay in touch with, thanks to Facebook!

Meet Bill, National Licensing & Facilities Manager

180 medical air force veteran bill Bill has worked for 180 Medical for over a decade. He recently celebrated his 11 year anniversary with 180 Medical last month! Bill is our National Licensing and Facilities Manager.

Bill, why did you choose to join the military?

I lived in a small town, and at the time, I wasn’t too excited about going to the local college. It was time to get out of the same place I’d been for much of my life and get out to see and do new things. I had a few friends who joined the United States Air Force about a year before I did, and it sounded like something I wanted to do. So I joined up and I stayed!

How did your experiences during that time affect your life?

Well, when you join up at seventeen years old and you’re 3,000 miles away from all your friends and family, you learn to grow up pretty fast! I was working alongside and living with all types of different people from all walks of life. It really helped me better understand the world and people, and it also helped me learn to get along with others and understand the problems that others have and deal with.

What interesting places did you get to travel to and see during your service?

I was stationed in Alaska, Connecticut, New Mexico (twice), and Massachusetts. I got to travel and see a lot of New England, the Southwest, and Midwest of the United States, and I got see travel and see England too. My favorite place I was stationed was at Elmendorf Air Force Base in Alaska. One time, I saw a polar bear right outside my kitchen window while I was living there!

180 medical air force vet bill and friends How did your experience in service with the Air Force affect your life?

It affected my life in a great way. It made me see that God and family are the most important things in life. Understanding people’s ways and concerns will take you far in life. It helped me learn to not take things for granted. Things don’t come easy without a little sweat and tears.

I’m lucky to have made a lot of close friends during my time in service. Too many to name them all. They just become a part of your family. I even work alongside a few of them here at 180 Medical.

Overall, it was a great career. Some of the jobs I held during my time include Air Force Security Police and a Recruiter. I’ve been retired for 22 years now. I’m glad it’s a part of my life and my history, and I’m very proud to have had the chance to serve my country for so long.

happy veterans day from 180 medical

It’s almost impossible to find the words to thank those who have given so much of their lives and their time in service to our great nation. We’re blessed to be able to live in a free country, thanks to the sacrifices and service of our veterans. So, from all of us at 180 Medical, thank you so much to all of our veterans and soldiers still in service!

Chances are that you know a veteran too. Let’s all take a moment to thank them and let them know what their service means to you as well as our country.

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About the Author
Recognizing Veterans Day at 180 Medical
Jessica is the Sr. Marketing Specialist at 180 Medical with a tenure of 14 years. She loves getting to be creative in her role and seeing the positive influence 180 Medican can make on our customers' lives.

Outside of work, you can find her hanging out with her husband and their dogs or browsing garden centers (where she will almost certainly buy another houseplant she doesn't really need).