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Meet Meghan, 2021 Scholarship Recipient

meet meghan 2021 180 medical spina bifida scholarship recipient
We’re less than 2 months away from the application deadline for the 2022 180 Medical College Scholarship Program, which is open to full-time college students with specific medical conditions (spina bifida, spinal cord injury, neurogenic bladder, transverse myelitis, and/or ostomy). As we count down to the day, we’re continuing to introduce each 2021 scholarship recipient.

So far, you’ve met Linden, Logan, Nicholas, and Lauren. Now we’d love to introduce Meghan. She’s an extraordinary young woman who is taking her passion for sports and applying it to her future career.

Meet Meghan, 2021 Spina Bifida Scholarship Recipient

Meghan was born with spina bifida and hydrocephalus, which led to her needing multiple surgeries and procedures over the years.

“Throughout my life, I have faced many obstacles,” she says. “However, I always choose to face them head-on.”

While her condition causes partial paralysis, she is fully ambulatory with her AFO (ankle foot orthosis) braces.

Although Meghan had to miss out on some experiences over the years, she says that her disability actually helped her discover other awesome opportunities.

Meghan’s Passion for Sports

Meghan has always enjoyed being outdoors, and over time, she discovered that her greatest passion in life is sports.

“I enjoy playing any sport I can and watch just about any sport on TV,” she says, “especially the Denver Nuggets basketball and college football teams.”

She has made lots of new friends by participating in her local Children’s Hospital ski program for the last six years (pre-COVID).

Meghan Skiing

She has excelled as the starting pitcher on a local softball team. Also, she won 3 state basketball competitions for athletes with disabilities. And she was able to find school clubs and activities that provided flexibility around her needs.

One of Meghan’s proudest accomplishments is her participation in the Spina Bifida Association of Colorado‘s annual Walk N’ Roll 5K.

“One year, I was fortunate enough to be able to raise more money for my team, Meghan’s Marchers, than any other team,” says Meghan. “It’s important to me to bring awareness to others about spina bifida.”

Meghan at the Spina Bifida Walk N Roll

A Nurse Influenced Meghan’s Future Goals

Over the years, many people have made a positive impact on Meghan’s life, including her fellow teammates. However, one person really stood out: a friendly nurse named Mary Jo.

“I met Mary Jo when I was five years old when I was hospitalized for an extended period of time. She was my nurse for the majority of my stay,” says Meghan. “From her, I learned what it meant to go out of your way to help someone. My interactions with her have also caused me to realize that small, everyday acts of kindness can make a big impact on someone’s life.”

To this day, Mary Jo remains a close friend and mentor of Meghan’s.

“I want to be able to help other children and be an encouragement to them the way she has been for me,” says Meghan. “I want them to know that your disability doesn’t stop you from achieving your life dreams.”

It is important to show others that my disability does not define me. The only true disability in life is a bad attitude. Your mind and attitude about a situation are what ultimately decide the outcome.
Meghan, 2021 180 Medical Scholarship Recipient

What’s Next for Meghan?

Meghan is now in college at the University of Northern Colorado as of the fall semester of 2021. She’s currently pursuing a degree in Sports Administration.

In her future career, she hopes to help kids with disabilities get involved in sports and physical recreation.

Meghan Butler, 2021 scholarship recipient

We seriously love what we do here at 180 Medical, and the 180 Medical College Scholarship Program is one of our favorite ways to give back.

Don’t forget! The deadline to apply for our scholarship program is June 1, 2022. Get all the details you need to know about applying at

Link to 180 Medical Scholarship Page

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About the Author
Meet Meghan, 2021 Scholarship Recipient
Jessica is the Sr. Marketing Specialist at 180 Medical with a tenure of 14 years. She loves getting to be creative in her role and seeing the positive influence 180 Medican can make on our customers' lives.

Outside of work, you can find her hanging out with her husband and their dogs or browsing garden centers (where she will almost certainly buy another houseplant she doesn't really need).