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Honoring Veterans Day at 180 Medical

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Veterans Day at 180 Medical is always a big day. Each year, we go above and beyond to recognize those who serve our great nation. Plus, we are fortunate to have several veterans on staff here at our company.

This year, we’d like to introduce a couple of our employees who are veterans of the United States Air Force. Meet Pat and Kathy.

Honoring Veterans Day at 180 Medical

Meet Patrick, Network Development Manager

Patrick, 180 Medical employee and veteran

Pat, why did you pick the service branch you joined?

The Air Force was the only choice for me. I wanted a career in technology so I decided I’d serve my country for 4 years. Then, I ended up giving 23 great years of service.

What was your favorite place you lived during your service?

My favorite place was definitely England. I loved that country; there was so much to see. The British people were so nice to us Americans. I also played soccer for the Air Force. Because of that, I got to travel around Europe to play other military teams in Spain, Germany, and France.

How did your skills from the Air Force translate into your current career?

In my role, I use all of the sales skills that a military recruiter would use. I negotiate health insurance contracts and reach out to health plans to show them the many features and benefits 180 Medical has. This is really similar to what I did as a recruiter for the Air Force. Plus, I gained a certain amount of discipline and skills very early on.

I feel like I owe much of my success to the Air Force. Because of my time in service, I live a good life. I raised two sons. Plus, it paid for my college degree. Really, I can’t say enough good things about it. In fact, my youngest son joined up this year to become a Cyber Security Specialist at age 18. It makes me very proud to see him serve his country too.

Kathy, Billing Specialist

Kathy, 180 Medical employee and Air Force veteran

Kathy, why did you join the military?

I needed to learn responsibility and commitment in a safe environment. I met other women in the Air Force, and they talked to me about enlisting. I wasn’t an athletic person, so I was concerned about the physical requirements. However, they knew I would be a good fit. I was scared when I arrived at basic training in Lackland AFB, TX, but that dissipated pretty quickly. I grew to love the structure.

How did your experiences during that time affect your life?

I feel great pride in serving my country. Plus, the Air Force really was one of the best decisions of my life.

I’m still influenced to this day by the lessons of personal responsibility, loyalty, integrity, discretion, and perseverance through tough times. When I first started working here at 180 Medical, I was very much out of my comfort zone with learning about billing. However, my training and experiences in the Air Force greatly helped me.

I know without a doubt that the ability to adapt and overcome, which I learned in the Air Force, has helped me in many ways, personally and professionally.  Being in the military has given me a completely different perspective on life, and for that, I am truly grateful.

We Appreciate All Our Vets Have Done for our Country

It’s not easy to sum up in just a few words the great weight and importance of everything that our veterans have done for our country and for us. How do we possibly fully thank them for all they sacrifice? We are truly fortunate to live in a great country, thanks to the freedoms for which our veterans and soldiers have fought and continue to serve and protect.

So, from all of us at 180 Medical, thank you for your service to our country!

Are you a veteran? Are you looking for a great place to work? We’re hiring! Apply today at our careers page.

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About the Author
Honoring Veterans Day at 180 Medical
Jessica is the Sr. Marketing Specialist at 180 Medical with a tenure of 14 years. She loves getting to be creative in her role and seeing the positive influence 180 Medican can make on our customers' lives.

Outside of work, you can find her hanging out with her husband and their dogs or browsing garden centers (where she will almost certainly buy another houseplant she doesn't really need).