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Brandon, 2020 Transverse Myelitis Scholarship Recipient

We love sharing the amazing accomplishments and stories of each of our 180 Medical College Scholarship Recipients. Today, we’re excited to introduce Brandon, one of 180 Medical’s Transverse Myelitis scholarship recipients of 2020.

Meet 2020 Transverse Myelitis Scholarship Recipient Brandon

Brandon shares that he was raised with very few socioeconomic opportunities. However, he found a sense of belonging and hope for a better future when he joined his high school’s football team. “I believed that because I was a nationally ranked high school football player, sports would be my path to a better life,” he says.

Then in the fall of 2016, the unimaginable happened. Brandon started experiencing severe pain, limb weakness, and other physical symptoms. He was able to see a doctor, who diagnosed him with Transverse Myelitis.

He fell into depression and began feeling like his future was hopeless without football. However, his neurologist not only treated him with the latest prednisone therapies. She also became his mentor. “She empowered me with unstoppable confidence to excel by challenging me to pursue those opportunities that seemed unattainable before my diagnosis.”

Because of that support and mentorship, Brandon reclaimed his future. He threw himself into his studies and improving his grades in high school.

picture of brandon, 2020 180 Medical scholarship recipient

Looking Ahead to a Future Career of Helping Others

Today, Brandon’s focus is on excelling in his college courses at the University of Colorado in Denver. “My career goal is to become a prominent neurologist,” he says. He plans to focus on ways we can use advanced technology such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) to gain a better understanding of complex autoimmune diseases, including transverse myelitis (TM) and multiple sclerosis (MS).

Secondly, Brandon hopes to “prominently serve in the leadership of neurological disease-based professional and community organizations, like the Society for Neuroscience, the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, and the National Organization for Rare Disorders.” He is doing this by serving in leadership at his university’s Future Doctor’s Club.

picture of brandon speaking at an awards ceremony

Also, Brandon hopes to use his experience for the better by also helping others along the way. Because his neurologist believed in him, he wants to pay it forward by becoming a mentor to others.

I am truly honored to be the recipient of such a prestigious scholarship.
Brandon, 2020 180 Medical College Scholarship Recipient

180 Medical’s Transverse Myelitis Scholarship Opportunities

At 180 Medical, we’re all so proud to be a part of helping Brandon achieve his dreams. He’s overcome many adversities to become a celebrated student. We look forward to seeing the ways he’ll go on to positively impact the lives of those with autoimmune and nerve diseases in the future.

Are you heading to college in the fall of 2021? Consider applying for the 180 Medical College Scholarship!

180 Medical’s annual scholarship program is not just available to students who have transverse myelitis. It is also open to eligible college students with one or more of the following medical conditions.

  • Spina bifida
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Neurogenic bladder
  • Ostomy (colostomy, urostomy, and/or ileostomy)

We’ve accepting applications for the fall of 2021 until June 1st. Get the details and apply online at

180 medical scholarship program

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About the Author
Brandon, 2020 Transverse Myelitis Scholarship Recipient
Jessica is the Sr. Marketing Specialist at 180 Medical with a tenure of 14 years. She loves getting to be creative in her role and seeing the positive influence 180 Medican can make on our customers' lives.

Outside of work, you can find her hanging out with her husband and their dogs or browsing garden centers (where she will almost certainly buy another houseplant she doesn't really need).