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Adjusting to Life After a Stroke

Adjusting to Life After Stroke

Strokes can happen to anyone at any time. Prevention and acting fast are key, but what happens when you return home from the hospital after a stroke? Find out more about strokes and life after a stroke.

What is a Stroke?

A stroke is the interruption or reduction of blood flow to the brain. This prevents the brain from getting needed oxygen, which can cause brain cells in the impacted area to die within minutes.

What Are the Types of Strokes

The most common type of stroke is ischemic, which is caused by a blood clot blocking an artery or vessel. According to the National Stroke Association, ischemic stroke (clots) accounts for 87% of all strokes.

Hemorrhagic stroke, which is also known as cerebral hemorrhage or a brain bleed, can happen when a blood vessel in the brain ruptures.

Also, some people may experience a “mini-stroke,” which is known as a TIA (Transient Ischemic Attack). A TIA occurs due to a temporary blockage of blood flow. While this is sometimes said to be less dangerous than other major strokes, it can often be a warning sign of a full-blown stroke ahead.

strokes can be caused by clots, vessel ruptures, or blockages

What Are Some Signs or Side Effects of a Stroke?

The side effects of a stroke depend on the severity and the affected area of the brain. Time is a very important factor in preventing long-term damage. This is why it’s crucial to take any sign of a stroke very seriously and act F.A.S.T.

What Does F.A.S.T. Mean?

F.A.S.T. is an acronym that can help you remember what warning signs to watch for in yourself or a loved one who may be having a stroke.

  • F – Face Drooping
  • A – Arm Weakness
  • S – Speech Difficulty
  • – Time to Call 911

Time is of the essence when it comes to getting help for someone having a stroke.

act fast for strokes

As far as potential side effects one may deal with after surviving a stroke, this depends on a few things, such as the location of the stroke.

Some Potential Side Effects After a Stroke May Include:

  • Memory loss
  • Speech problems
  • Paralysis or difficulty controlling one side of the body
  • Vision problems
  • Facial weakness or droop
  • Inability to perform tasks when asked (apraxia)
  • Neurogenic bladder (continence problems)

Adjusting to Life After a Stroke

Life after a stroke can be a difficult adjustment for everyone involved. Often after a stroke, rehabilitation therapy is required. This may involve speech therapy, occupational therapy, and physical therapy. This can often be arranged at the affected person’s home through home health services. Therapy will help the impacted person strengthen their motor skills, regain mobility, and improve speech problems.

Because the brain controls so many functions of your body, the side effects can make major impacts on one’s life post-stroke. For example, some people may lose control of one side of their body, so they may no longer be able to drive or walk independently.

After a stroke, services other than home health may be required, such as grocery delivery, a full-time caregiver, or the use of mobility aids like walkers, canes, or wheelchairs.

In addition, some people may require the use of intermittent catheters to drain their bladders after a stroke.

Can Having a Stroke Affect the Bladder?

Yes, strokes may impact the bladder due to nerve damage (neurogenic bladder). It’s not uncommon to experience issues such as urinary incontinence or bladder retention after undergoing a stroke.

The good news is that the need for using catheters is often temporary after a stroke. Sometimes, continence problems can resolve soon after returning home from the hospital. However, some people may require the ongoing use of urinary catheters.

 Want to know if your health insurance plan will cover your intermittent catheter needs? 180 Medical’s insurance experts can help!

Start Here

Where to Buy Catheters After a Stroke

180 Medical has over two decades of experience in helping individuals of all ages try out and find the right catheter for their needs.

Our goal is to help turn the quality of your life around. You deserve compassionate support throughout the process of learning to use catheters. Our Catheter Specialists can help.

Plus, we make the process of getting catheter supplies delivered to your home as easy as possible.

If you or your loved one needs urinary catheters after a stroke, we’d love to help. Contact 180 Medical and get in touch with one of our friendly specialists.

Contact 180 Medical

Additional Resources

Air Charity Network
Angel Flight
National Stroke Association
American Stroke Association

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About the Author
Adjusting to Life After a Stroke
Jessica is the Sr. Marketing Specialist at 180 Medical with a tenure of 14 years. She loves getting to be creative in her role and seeing the positive influence 180 Medican can make on our customers' lives.

Outside of work, you can find her hanging out with her husband and their dogs or browsing garden centers (where she will almost certainly buy another houseplant she doesn't really need).