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4 Useful Smartphone Apps for Catheter and Wheelchair Users

helpful smartphone apps for catheter-users and wheelchair-users

Just about everyone has a smartphone these days. Technology has risen to meet our many needs, even those we didn’t know we had. There are games, music programs, helpful tools, financial planners, and many apps specifically geared towards health, such as WebMD. But did you know about apps that may help you out with your self-catheterization regimen?

As the slogan goes, “there’s an app for that,” so check out our list of applications that may be a good addition to your smartphone today!


urobladder diary app

$1.99 in iPhone App Store

During your appointments, your treating physician may have recommended that you keep a record of how much liquid you’re drinking per day and/or how much and how often you are voiding your bladder. It may not sound like much fun to keep writing this information down in a big notebook or journal, but with this app, you can just type in each entry. Does the doctor want to see the record? This app easily converts the text you’ve input into a PDF file which can be emailed over to your physician’s office and included in your electronic medical
records. No paper waste necessary, and it keeps your voiding diary completely private.

urobladder diary screenshot


wheelmate coloplast smartphone app

Free in iPhone App Store

Are you a wheelchair user on the go? This app is specifically designed to find clean wheelchair-accessible bathrooms and parking spaces for those in wheelchairs. Currently, this app has more than 30,000 locations spread over 45 countries, and more are added and verified by wheelchair users to make sure the information is correct. This is especially helpful for those on the go. Maybe you have a vacation you’d like to plan in advance, or you’re traveling for your job and want to make sure you’ll have parking and bathroom access. This may be the app for you.

wheelmate app screenshot

LoFric Micturition Chart App

lofric micturition chart smartphone app

Free in iPhone App Store and Android

Like UroBladder Diary, this chart allows you to input the liquids you are drinking throughout the day and the amount of urine you are
voiding from your bladder. However, this version is specifically to record this information over the course of a few days. Once completed, you can bring the chart to your next appointment or email it. Again, this app is helpful for less paper waste along with more privacy, because you don’t have to carry around a paper chart or notebook with you.

lofric micturition chart app screenshot

Spina Bifida Association Mobile App


Free in iPhone app store and Android

The Spina Bifida Association recently released a brand new mobile application in 2020, which features guidelines for the care of people living with spina bifida. Plus, it offers an easy symptom tracker for those living with spina bifida.

This app is a great tool for people living with spina bifida. Also, it’s helpful for parents, caregivers, and even healthcare providers. Ultimately, this app should serve as both an educational and informational tool.


One or all of these smartphone apps may offer some practical support to you even on a daily basis as a catheter or wheelchair user. Whether you need help finding clean, wheelchair-accessible bathrooms, staying on time with your prescribed self-cathing regimen, or measuring your urine output or more, it can all be at the mere touch of a button on your personal smartphone.

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About the Author
4 Useful Smartphone Apps for Catheter and Wheelchair Users
Jessica is the Sr. Marketing Specialist at 180 Medical with a tenure of 14 years. She loves getting to be creative in her role and seeing the positive influence 180 Medican can make on our customers' lives.

Outside of work, you can find her hanging out with her husband and their dogs or browsing garden centers (where she will almost certainly buy another houseplant she doesn't really need).