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Introducing Tiffany, 2016 180 Medical College Scholarship Recipient

Meet Tiffany Matthews, one of our 2016 180 Medical Scholarship recipients.

Tiffany Matthews, 2016 180 Medical Scholarship Recipient

Meet Tiffany Matthews

Tiffany was born with Spina Bifida. Because of her condition, she’s no stranger to questions about her disability. However, her answer is always the same. “I was born with a disability for a purpose.”

Tiffany feels that she was given this challenge in life to help her learn and grow to become a better person. Growing up with spina bifida wasn’t always easy. In fact, it was pretty difficult at times. She’s been through multiple surgeries and hospital stays. Despite that, Tiffany maintains a sense of optimism and determination.

I will never quit trying something new. I hope to be an inspiration to a young girl who wishes she could dance but thinks she cannot or a young boy who wants to play football but thinks he will never be able to.

Tiffany Matthews with her parents

How Tiffany Hopes to Change Lives

At the beginning of the fall semester, Tiffany started her first semester of college. She’s attending the University of North Alabama, where she’s majoring in Exercise Science. Her goal is to pursue a career in pediatric physical therapy. She hopes to use her future career to help other children living with disabilities. Plus, she’ll do her best to share her optimism and compassion.

We are sure that Tiffany will continue her impressive forward momentum in life and positively affect others’ lives with her story and her future career.

180 Medical offers an annual scholarship program to help those with spinal cord injuries, spina bifida, transverse myelitis, ostomies (ileostomy, urostomy, and/or colostomy), and/or a neurogenic bladder.

We know paying for college isn’t easy these days. Plus, these medical conditions often bring extra financial difficulties. That’s why we created the 180 Medical College Scholarship Program.

To learn more about our annual College Scholarship, visit our Scholarship page.

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About the Author
Introducing Tiffany, 2016 180 Medical College Scholarship Recipient
Jessica is the Sr. Marketing Specialist at 180 Medical with a tenure of 14 years. She loves getting to be creative in her role and seeing the positive influence 180 Medican can make on our customers' lives.

Outside of work, you can find her hanging out with her husband and their dogs or browsing garden centers (where she will almost certainly buy another houseplant she doesn't really need).