At 180 Medical, we love supporting causes in our local and national communities. Each year, employees band together to participate in the annual National Multiple Sclerosis Society Walk MS event in Oklahoma City.
OKC is also the location of 180 Medical’s national headquarters.
About the Annual Multiple Sclerosis Society Walk
Multiple Sclerosis affects over 2.3 million people worldwide. Chances are, you know someone who has MS.
One way you can support those living with MS is by participating in the annual Multiple Sclerosis Society Walk MS event in a local city near you. It’s such a fun way to get together with others in the MS community.
Also, 180 Medical employees love getting to connect with our coworkers outside of the office. Plus, we enjoy getting to be a part of such a great cause. We all want to do our part in raising funds and awareness.
Pictures from This Year’s MS Walk
Here are a few pictures from this year’s National MS Society Walk MS event, which was held this year at the Wild Horse Park in Mustang, OK, on Saturday.
You can learn more about the MS Society’s Walks with this great video that details how these events help those living with MS every day.