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18 Reasons Why We Love Working at 180 Medical

180 Medical’s 18th anniversary as a company is on August 27th, 2020. Even as the majority of our workforce is working remotely through the pandemic this year, we’ve been finding ways to stay connected and have fun this week leading to the celebration of our anniversary. One way we’re doing that is by sharing 18 reasons why we love working at 180 Medical! Take a look!

1. We have amazing customers and coworkers.

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Team Supervisor Sheila sums it up best when she says, “I love 180 Medical because of the people we serve and the people we get to work with. It’s always about people!”

Every day is a new day to be thankful for the wonderful customers we get to supply. Plus, we love how awesome our coworkers are! It’s easy to make friends here at 180 Medical because, while we’re diverse, we all have one thing in common: kindness.

2. It’s not just a job.

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Product Specialist Kelly has a unique take on what it means to work at 180 Medical. She says, “It’s not just a job. It’s a frame of mind. Kind of like Christmas!”

At 180 Medical, it really never feels like you’re just doing a job. It’s a place to forge a career path in meaningful work where you can change people’s lives with kindness.

3. 180 Medical encourages individuality and a positive culture.

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Rose, one of our Documentation Specialists, puts it beautifully. “I love that 180 Medical encourages authentic individuality in employees, which contributes to a consistently amazing culture.”

At 180 Medical, we can all be ourselves and still fit in, no matter our background, our hobbies, or our personalities. That’s what makes our culture such a positive, encouraging one.

4. We’re a team.

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Heather contributes that one of the 18 reasons why we love working at 180 Medical is how “everyone works as a team. We’re always willing to help others.”

We are passionate about living our values both inside and outside of the workplace. No matter our background, we can unite in the spirit of compassionate service both to our customers and our coworkers. That means when you’re part of the 180 Medical team, you’ll always have someone to help you out when you need it on a busy day or if you have a question.

5. We’re adaptable.

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Kayla says, “I love the adaptability 180 Medical has to accommodate its employees.”

No matter what gets thrown our way, 180 Medical adapts and overcomes. Even when the COVID-19 pandemic began, our leadership acted quickly to make sure our employees would stay safe by working from home. It took a team effort from a lot of departments, but we succeeded.

On top of that, 180 Medical has done a lot to keep us all connected and doing well, no matter our circumstances while working from home.

6. We’ve got some great perks here.

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Cristian isn’t the only one here who loves the “free food and gift cards if we meet or exceed our goals.”

One consistent tradition over our 18 years at 180 Medical is rewarding our employees for their hard work. We always get to look forward to a big pizza lunch lunch after every quarterly meeting as well as lots of potlucks and food days throughout the year. Plus, when we meet our goals, we have a chance for other incentives like quarterly awards, gift cards, snacks, and bonuses (depending on job position).

7. Our coworkers are the nicest.

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Leah says, “What I love most about 180 is my coworkers. Everyone is so kind and truly some of the nicest people I’ve ever met!”

Why is everyone so nice at 180 Medical? Our recruiting team actively seeks out people with a heart for helping others. That means no matter which department or team you’re on, you’re among friends.

8. We get recognition for a job well done.

reasons why we love working at 180 medical ireneIrene loves “the recognition that employees get on a regular basis.” That’s because 180 Medical is all about celebrating our employees and their achievements.

We all get to share in each others’ joys and good news, such as a job well done, a promotion, and even weddings and the birth of children. Also, we never hesitate to reward and high five employees when they go above and beyond with quarterly awards and even shout-outs on our social media, including Facebook and Instagram.

9. We’re all helpers.

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Trish says, “I love that no matter which department I call, there is always someone who can answer my question or at least point me in the right direction instead of just passing the buck to the next guy.”

If we don’t know the answer to someone’s question, we still make sure they get the help they need. That’s part of the helpful team environment we all play a part in fostering at 180 Medical.

10. We get to make an impact on our communities.

abbey reasons why we love working at 180 medical

HR Coordinator Abbey says one of the top reasons why she loves working at 180 Medical is “working with compassionate and dedicated people and making a positive impact in my community!”

At 180 Medical, one thing we’re all about is making a difference! Our employees love getting to participate in charitable events, community service opportunities, and fundraisers. In fact, we now offer each employee 8 hours of PTO (paid time off) for community service in addition to their regular benefits and PTO. This helps foster our values on service and helping others.

Whether we’re walking to support the National MS Society and the Spina Bifida Association or raising money for paralyzed veterans with a bake sale, we’re all about giving back. We also love volunteering to attend and support annual events like annual wheelchair basketball tournaments.

Our Difference Makers employee anniversary program offers employees who have been with the company for 10 and 15 years to select a charity. Then 180 Medical makes a donation on that employee’s behalf. You can learn more about the 180 culture and our community involvement here.

11. We’re a company comprised of caring people.

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“I love the people,  Somehow, 180 has managed to find some of the best people on the planet and get them together in one company – westin younger

We all care about one another as much as we care about taking good care of our customers.

18. 180 Medical has a culture of excellence.

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Our Director of HR, Angie Christopher, says, “I love working for 180 Medical because of the culture, environment and spirit of excellence in everything that we do. We have a leadership team that shows that employees are our first customers, and I get to execute that every day in my role as head of HR. This is truly one of the best places to work and serve others.”

180 Medical has been named one of the Best Places to Work in Oklahoma for 11 years for a reason. We stand apart from other employers today in how far we go to make sure our staff is happy, healthy, and well taken care of.

13. We get great 180 swag.

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Austin says, “One thing I love about 180 is the goal shirts and swag we get. 180 is fully 50% of my wardrobe – 100% from the waist up.”

The longer you’re a part of the 180 family, the more 180 Medical clothes and accessories you’ll accumulate. We get soft, comfortable t-shirts with our company name and goal numbers on it each quarter. Plus, you never know what kind of 180 Medical swag you’ll get in giveaways and prizes, like gym bags, reusable water bottles, and hoodies.

14. We all share values of compassion.

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Michelle says, “I love 180 Medical because we are all like family here. We all have the same ideology and that is to treat everyone with care and compassion. No other company compares to 180 Medical in how they treat their patients and employees.”

It’s worth mentioning more than once. 180 Medical is different from other companies in part because we focus so strongly on values like integrity and compassion. That means we always try to do what’s right and treat everyone with kindness in all we do.

15. We’re like a family.

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“We treat our customers like family, and 180 Medical treats us like family. We work with some of the best people in the nation,” says Leah, one of our Office Coordinators in Oklahoma City.

Our dedication to treating our customers like a member of our own family extends to our coworkers. We love helping each other out because it assists us all in doing our best.

16. We care about each other.

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Jeff, our Vice Presdient of Finance, says, “I love the way our people care for each other as much as we care for our customers. Everyone is always willing to lend a hand on special projects and the day-to-day. Whether it’s a personal crisis or a birthday, we laugh, cry, and celebrate together.”

Our team loves celebrating each other’s wins. On birthdays, we decorate each other’s areas. We’re always here for each other.

17. We’re a team of top performers.

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Mark, our Chief Commercial Officer, says he loves “the people who are on our team and working with passionate, kind, high-performance folks.”

Not only are we a team of people who care about each other, but we are also full of passion for our mission. That focus on why we do what do, along with our company values, drives us all to do the very best we can in every task every day.

18. 180 Medical has a caring leadership team.

Lastly, Westin shares that one thing that really sets 180 Medical apart is “the leadership!” She continues, “Our executives really do care about us as individuals. They take our wants and needs into consideration when making decisions for the company.”

We all feel pretty lucky to be a part of a company where our leadership team truly care about each one of us. They want to see us all succeed and grow in our career paths, and they even get our feedback on big decisions.

180 Medical is Hiring!

Do you want a job where you have all these reasons and more to love what you do? We’re growing and hiring, so check out our open job positions and apply today!

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About the Author
18 Reasons Why We Love Working at 180 Medical
Jessica is the Sr. Marketing Specialist at 180 Medical with a tenure of 14 years. She loves getting to be creative in her role and seeing the positive influence 180 Medican can make on our customers' lives.

Outside of work, you can find her hanging out with her husband and their dogs or browsing garden centers (where she will almost certainly buy another houseplant she doesn't really need).