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Meet Logan, 2021 Spina Bifida Scholarship Recipient

meet logan 2021 spina bifida scholarship recipient

We’re continuing our tradition of celebrating each one of the amazing 180 Medical College Scholarship Recipients of 2021 on our blog. So far, you’ve met Linden, and today, we’d love for you to get to know Logan, one of our 2021 spina bifida scholarship recipients.

Meet Logan, 2021 Spina Bifida Scholarship Recipient

In Logan’s essay, he shared, “For right at 10 years, my parents prayed for a child. After so many years of unanswered prayers, they began to wonder if it would ever happen.”

However, finally, in early 1997, they got the news that they were finally having a baby. Little Logan arrived in December. However, the challenges were not over yet.

Logan was born with spina bifida. His back was not fully enclosed and some nerve endings were left exposed. In addition, his skull had closed too quickly in the womb, leaving him with a cone-shaped head.

Luckily, he was in great hands. Immediately, he was transferred to the hospital’s NICU department, and doctors set to work on doing all they could to repair his back and head.

Logan with his parents
Logan with his parents

Defying the Odds

Logan had to face many challenges ahead, including multiple surgeries and having a shunt placed. The doctors were unsure if Logan would make it. His parents were told he might never walk or even talk. Plus, if he survived the surgeries while in the hospital, he might still be dead by 12 years old.

Despite the hardship of multiple surgeries and many other hurdles while Logan grew up, he and his parents both faced any challenges head-on with prayers and faith.

He graduated with honors and a high GPA that landed him on the Dean’s List. He has also achieved many other amazing things, including becoming a licensed minister at his church as well as being the lead editor of a bimonthly magazine.

“I do currently walk with crutches and leg braces,” Logan says, “and I use a wheelchair for long distances, but compared to what we were told to expect, I have been truly blessed.”

Logan at graduation

What’s Ahead for Logan?

Today, he is attending classes in the MBA program at Liberty University where he is pursuing his Master’s degree in Business Leadership. He hopes to further develop skills related to his passion: people. He wants to use his experience to make a positive impact on anyone he meets.

At 180 Medical, we’re truly honored to be able to contribute to Logan’s goals at school this year. He is an inspiring, kind, and giving young man who is sure to make his mark on the world.

I know that I would not have made it this far without the people in my life who have pushed me to achieve greatness.
Logan, 2021 180 Medical Spina Bifida Scholarship Recipient

Want More Info About the 180 Medical Scholarship?

180 Medical has offered an annual scholarship program since 2012. So far, we’re proud to say we’ve helped over 60 students move toward their career goals through higher education so far.

We’re nearing the end of 2021, so the application period is closed. However, we’ll be accepting applications for a brand new year (2022) starting January 1st through June 1st.

You can get all the details, including eligibility and more, at

Link to 180 Medical Scholarship Page

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About the Author
Meet Logan, 2021 Spina Bifida Scholarship Recipient
Jessica is the Sr. Marketing Specialist at 180 Medical with a tenure of 14 years. She loves getting to be creative in her role and seeing the positive influence 180 Medican can make on our customers' lives.

Outside of work, you can find her hanging out with her husband and their dogs or browsing garden centers (where she will almost certainly buy another houseplant she doesn't really need).