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Senior Developer Employee Spotlight: Meet AJ

meet aj senior developer 180 medical employee spotlight

Our regular Employee Spotlight series helps introduce some of the amazing individuals working at 180 Medical. While you may already know some of the faces and names from our customer service departments, we also love to make sure you get to know the employees who may not be front and center but still have very important roles. One of those people behind the scenes is AJ, a Senior Developer on our Information Technology (IT) team!

AJ, tell us a little bit about what an average day is like as a developer in IT for 180 Medical.

My day typically starts with checking the status of the workhorse of our operation, MedTrack2. MedTrack2 keeps track of all our customer accounts, orders, inventory, shipments, insurance, and billing all in one central system. After making sure that everything is running smoothly, I start working on my coding tasks for the day. At around lunch, I’ll take a break from writing code and look into any code reviews I have for other members of the team. We make sure that nothing can make it into production without several different sets of eyes looking at it. My afternoon depends on whether it’s my week to be the point person for a MedTrack2 update. If it is, I make preparations to release approved code, while if not, it’s back to more coding!

AJ in his garden
AJ is an avid home gardener. He says he grows ghost chili peppers that are so hot, even he can’t eat them!

How has 180 Medical helped you in your career development?

My coworkers at 180 Medical have been some of the best teachers I’ve ever had. I’ve learned so much from them in the last 2 years. The collective knowledge here is greater than any development team I have been on in my career. Working at 180 Medical has taught me to look at tasks more like an architect. Plus, I also learned how to mentor others by being mentored myself.

What’s the best part of your job as a Senior Developer at 180 Medical?

The best part of my job is hearing the positive feedback from our customers and my coworkers when a new feature or website that I’ve worked on goes live. It is so gratifying to hear that I am improving someone’s day! A close second is when I can rework a slow process to run instantly!

Which tradition or event at 180 Medical do you look forward to most?

When our IT department participates in a decorating contest, we take it very seriously. It was an absolute blast to convert our corner of the office into an Apollo moon landing theme in a single night for our most recent Halloween costume and decoration contest.

IT Team Halloween 2019
Aaron (top left) with some of the awesome people in our IT Department dressing up for Halloween 2019

Also, I’m a bit of a foodie, so our EATS treat days are something I always look forward to! I’ve discovered a lot of interesting local food trucks in Oklahoma City that I never would have known about otherwise.

How do you like to spend your free time?

Ironically, for someone who works with computers all day, my hobbies are pretty low-tech. When I need to relax after a day of work, I tend to my garden, hang out with my 2 cats, or break out my cheese making supplies and press a fresh wheel of cheddar.

On weekends, I like to hike, bike, and camp.

AJs perfect fluffy little cats
AJ’s two cats showing off their 180 spirit

What’s a big goal for the future that’s on your bucket list?

I’d like to learn to sail and cross a large body of water!

AJ biking

180 Medical is Hiring!

If you’re looking for a fulfilling job in Information Technology where you can work alongside awesome people like AJ, we’re currently hiring. Apply today!
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About the Author
Senior Developer Employee Spotlight: Meet AJ
Jessica is the Sr. Marketing Specialist at 180 Medical with a tenure of 14 years. She loves getting to be creative in her role and seeing the positive influence 180 Medican can make on our customers' lives.

Outside of work, you can find her hanging out with her husband and their dogs or browsing garden centers (where she will almost certainly buy another houseplant she doesn't really need).