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Introducing Macy Huff, 2016 180 Medical Scholarship Recipient

We believe each of our 2016 College Scholarship recipients deserves a moment in the spotlight. Their challenges and triumphs are truly inspiring. Today, meet Macy Huff, the first of our seven scholarship recipients in 2016 to be featured on our blog.

Macy Huff, 2016 180 Medical Scholarship Recipient

Macy Huff and Her Inspiring Story

Macy’s life revolved around cheerleading. However, a sudden accident would change her life dramatically.

During a tumbling/cheerleading event in 2013, Macy fell, leaving her paralyzed at only 15 years old. While the accident was tragic, Macy has faced her challenges head-on as a C5-6 quadriplegic. Her spinal cord injury changed her life in many more ways than that, she says.

For instance, during her time at Riley Children’s Hospital, she met some helpful and encouraging Child Life Therapists. These therapists made a huge impact with their compassion and care. Macy found herself becoming inspired by their example.

“They taught me how to advocate for myself, make physical adaptations, and approach learning differently,” Macy says. “I hope to one day pay it forward and assist others who find themselves in a similar situation as I found myself in April of 2013.”

Macy's Senior Picture

What’s Next for Macy

As of the beginning of the fall semester, Macy started her undergraduate studies at Franklin College with a major in Education, which she hopes to use to either become a Child Life Therapist or a Special Education Teacher so that she can positively impact others’ lives too, just as the therapists, teachers, and assistants who she has met since her accident have impacted her life. She is carrying a full-time college class load, and she is also elated to have been invited to cheer with the Franklin College cheer squad.

Outside of school, Macy has devoted her time to volunteering at her local food pantry, coaching cheer, and participating in Student Council, Key Club, and Best Buddies (a peer mentoring program for students with disabilities).

Macy’s commitment to never give up, despite the odds, is truly inspiring, and we’re sure she will find success in her future endeavors.

To learn more about our annual College Scholarship, visit our Scholarship page.

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About the Author
Introducing Macy Huff, 2016 180 Medical Scholarship Recipient
Jessica is the Sr. Marketing Specialist at 180 Medical with a tenure of 14 years. She loves getting to be creative in her role and seeing the positive influence 180 Medican can make on our customers' lives.

Outside of work, you can find her hanging out with her husband and their dogs or browsing garden centers (where she will almost certainly buy another houseplant she doesn't really need).