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Meet Haley: 180 Medical Product Specialist Employee Spotlight

180 Medical is one of the Best Places to Work in Oklahoma in 2014 again! We love giving a shout-out to our stellar employees, so in this month’s Employee Spotlight, we’re featuring Haley, a 180 Medical Product Specialist.

haley product specialist at 180 medical

Haley, talk to us a bit about your current role as a Product Specialist at 180 Medical.

A typical day for me is spent speaking to our customers about their lives, products, and how their insurance works to cover the catheters. As a Product Specialist at 180 Medical, my goal is to match our customers with the right catheter products. Everyone is an individual with different needs. And catheters are not a “one-size-fits-all” type of medical supply.

For instance, we may talk to someone who wants to be able to use a catheter discreetly in a public restroom without feeling like everyone knows what they’re doing in the stall. On the other hand, maybe a new mother needs help finding a pediatric catheter for her newborn.

I believe the relationships we make with our customers ultimately help guide them to the specific product that will fulfill a need for them.

What do you love most about your job at 180 Medical as a Product Specialist?

The best part about my job is helping our customers. Nothing is more rewarding than making someone’s quality of life better.

It is incredible to know that I am instrumental in helping people become more confident and independent with their catheter supplies. I love it most when a customer tells me that they were able to leave their house for the first time in weeks or that they’ve been infection-free for a significant amount of time because of the products we have sent!

What makes 180 Medical a uniquely amazing place to work?

We’ve got a special group of people here. Co-workers become friends so easily here. We each genuinely care about each other in and outside of work.

Also, 180 Medical is all about team efforts to reach goals. We are encouraged to spend as much time as needed on the phone with our customers. We also get to spend time giving back to our community at various charity events like the annual MS Walk, wheelchair basketball fundraisers, and more.

Amanda and Haley dressed up for OKC Thunder Decoration Contest

Anything you would say to someone thinking about applying for a job here?

Be ready to grow! I started at 180 Medical a little over 3 years ago and have transitioned into 3 different roles. I have learned so much from insurance processes and procedures to how to teach someone to use a new product and so much more along the way. This is a place of opportunity!

What’s one of your favorite stories of how you helped or interacted with a customer?

When I first started working here at 180 Medical, I had a customer who had been cathing the majority of her life with a glass catheter, which had left her bed-ridden with infections for years! I made it my mission to find something we could do to help her.

I was able to pair this sweet woman with an advanced catheter that was more in line with her specific needs. Also, I helped her with learning every step of the way how to use all the features. I’ll never forget when she called later on and told me that, after a few weeks of using the new catheters, she was able to visit a school function for her grandchildren. Tears of joy all around on this call! I’ll never forget her and so many others that have experienced similar situations.

Tell us a bit about yourself outside of work.

I enjoy working out, cooking, and watching remodeling shows! My husband, dogs, and I are an active bunch. We love strolling through the neighborhood and talking about the future. Cooking while watching remodeling shows is ideal, but I enjoy both equally on their own as well.

A big thank you to Haley and to each one of our hard-working, compassionate Product Specialists. You do so much for others, and the work you put in every day is so important.

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About the Author
Meet Haley: 180 Medical Product Specialist Employee Spotlight
Jessica is the Sr. Marketing Specialist at 180 Medical with a tenure of 14 years. She loves getting to be creative in her role and seeing the positive influence 180 Medican can make on our customers' lives.

Outside of work, you can find her hanging out with her husband and their dogs or browsing garden centers (where she will almost certainly buy another houseplant she doesn't really need).