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Introducing Christina: 180 Medical Documentation Specialist

For this month’s 180 Medical Employee Spotlight, we’re featuring Christina from our Documentation Specialist department!

Christina, 180 Medical employee

Christina, tell us about your role as a Documentation Specialist at 180 Medical.

As a Documentation Specialist, I’m responsible for several daily tasks. I receive and entering new customer’s information, prescriptions, and other documentation. Plus, I occasionally call our customers to verify their health insurance plan information or handle authorizations.

Some of what we Documentation Specialists do may be “behind the scenes.” However, we all work hard to bring our customers the best service experience possible.

What do you love about working at 180 Medical?

I just love the work culture and the friendly environment here. Everyone comes to work with a smile on their face, ready to tackle the day. No one is a stranger here. Everyone at 180 Medical is super friendly and genuine.

christina and tori, 180 Medical employees
Christina (right) with Tori at 180 Medical

What’s something special about working for 180 Medical?

We’re all a big family here. All of my fellow Documentation Specialists are so helpful and welcoming. It is fun to watch my coworkers interact, from giving advice or sharing good-natured jokes to just enjoying each other’s company. You never get the feeling that people are just pretending.

Our team shares a genuine bond, which is awesome, considering how much the company continues to grow. That’s part of what’s great about having a job at 180 Medical. It’s really a wonderful place to grow in your career along with the company.
Christina, 180 Medical Employee

I come to work knowing my supervisors are there to support me. They want to see me succeed and grow here, and that’s one of the reasons why we’re one of the Best Places to Work in Oklahoma!

Best Places to Work in Oklahoma 180 Medical

What’s one of your favorite stories of helping a 180 Medical customer?

I often call our customers if we need more information or updated health insurance information. One day, I called someone who had just found out he had prostate cancer. We talked for a little while together. After a deep breath, he said he was determined to beat it. He was just so uplifting and encouraging. I told him we would be with him through the process, and we are here for him. He started a journey with us, and he doesn’t have to face this hard time alone. He thanked me for my help, and at the end of the day, it felt wonderful to know we had both touched each others’ lives in a way.

Tell us a little bit about yourself outside of work?

I am a very hands-on kind of person, so I enjoy building, fixing, creating, writing, crafting, etc. Also, I like to dance. I am passionate about OU, and I actually used to work for OU football while I was a student. It was a neat time in my life, because I got to go to every game, both home and away. I met a lot of people, including players who are now in the NFL.

What’s a quote that inspires you daily?

“I thank God every time I remember you.” from Philippians 1:3. It puts a smile on my face and reminds me that everyone needs prayer and kindness because you never know what they’re going through.

For many of our customers at 180 Medical, the journey of starting to use catheter, ostomy, or incontinence supplies may be a new one, and that can sometimes be a difficult transition. But because they chose 180 Medical to supply them, that’s a life that we get to touch. We are blessed to be able to take care of their supply needs and make that part of their lives a little easier.

Thanks so much to Christina and all of the Documentation Specialists at 180 Medical!

We’re hiring! Keep watching for more Employee Spotlights in the future, and look into a career at 180 Medical today!

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About the Author
Introducing Christina: 180 Medical Documentation Specialist
Jessica is the Sr. Marketing Specialist at 180 Medical with a tenure of 14 years. She loves getting to be creative in her role and seeing the positive influence 180 Medican can make on our customers' lives.

Outside of work, you can find her hanging out with her husband and their dogs or browsing garden centers (where she will almost certainly buy another houseplant she doesn't really need).